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Rest API

REST API is utilized for creating networked applications. It operates on the principles of simplicity, statelessness, and uniform resource access. It facilitate seamless communication between diverse software systems via the internet, enabling standardized interactions among them.

To use the Rest API Application with ezto auth, you must first create the application.

1 Go to Dashboard > Applications.

2 You will be presented with different application type tabs. Click Rest API.


4 You will be moved to the first step, i.e, Details for creating an application.

5 Provide a descriptive name.

Application Details.

6 Click on CREATE.

Application Created

7 Rest API Application will be created successfully.

  • To know about the different tabs i.e, General, Scope, Mappers, and Authentication in your application, see here.

  • To know how to execute the application, see here.

Know more

Application Details

Application Execution

Browser Based Application

High Secured Application

SSO Application

SAML Application

Machine to Machine Application

IWS Application